Sunday, 3 February 2008

Create the life you desire

YOU create the life You experience because where the focus of your thoughts goes energy goes to attract that to you.
Nick James the NLP trainer (not the internet marketer of the same name) held training sessions at Bloomsbury Ambassadors 2 & 3 Feb 08 to demonstrate the power of the interaction of the mind and body to create the emotional state that makes the desicions that act on & through
your body to produce the results you have currently.
The conscious mind can not handel more than 9 bits of data at a time so creates filters to reduce the millions bits of data it recieves via the sences every second: by deleting every thing that is unimportant like opportunities to have wealth when focusing on debt; by distorting & by gerneralising before enpowering the event with a meaning so it can act on your body. The way you filter the data is determined by your beliefs and values which are shaped by the memories you choose to give power to.

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