Find out on the 27th of Feb at 7pm at the Cumberland hotel, Marble Arch.
When property investor with 22 years of experience in USA & UK, Ayshe
Will show how you can benefit from the record number of houses in repression (foreclosure in US) that triggered the Northern Rock collapse fiasco and the credit squeeze.
Can You Afford to Gamble Your Future on the whims of the State or Economy?
There is no need to when you can take action to control Your Own Future as the banks will get rid of their bad assets before the end of the Tax Year
Date: Wednesday 27th February 2008
Address : The Cumberland Hotel, Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London, W1A 4RF
Time: 6.30pm for a 7:00pm PROMPT start
Investment: £10 online Pre-booking Below, £20 at the hotel
Secure your place - click on the button below:
Central Line to MARBLE ARCH Underground Station
Take NORTH Exit
Go Up the Stairs
Turn Right at Top of Stairs
Turn Right at Corner
Hotel is literally on the Right
In the Hotel, Go Down The Stairs to Conference and Events
Check sign to see which room we are in
Places are limited
I am really looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday.
Kind Regards,
If you have any questions or queries at all, please email: or on 0700 345 1087
PS. There were 286,000 properties in foreclosure last quarter, according to the Mortgage Banker's Association. Plug in the median home price, and that's about $61.8 billion of real estate that needs to be sold. And with year-end just two months away, you can bet banks are working extra-hard to get "non-performing assets" off their books. Do you have proven systems in place to help you profit from this Great Real Estate Fire Sale? If not, be sure to join us February 27th at pm and get all the tools you need to profit from the greatest buyer's market in 15 years. All you risk is a single £10. But if you don't sign up right away... you risk losing your space to someone else, and missing out on the investment opportunity of a lifetime.