Thursday, 26 July 2007

Smarter Goals

Setting goals help you achieve more and more efficiently.
Good goals are S.M.A.R.T.E.R
Specific - e.g. if you want more money you will have to say how much you want otherwise your brain says it has achieved the goal as soon as you have 1p more.
Meaningful to you - what is the benefit to you of achieving your goal.
Act as if have it now -if not now then it will be never so believe you are successful, Act as successful people do, have the benefits of success
Responsible - only you are 100% responsible for how you choose to change your responses to Life's events to get the new results you want.
Time sensitive - if you do not specify a time by which the goal will be achieved your brain will put off taking the actions required to produce the desired results to some time in the future which never comes.
Evaluated - is what you are doing moving you away from your goal or towards it.
Reviewed regularly - to ensure it is still what you want

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