Saturday, 27 October 2007

Why 5th of November is such a busy time for the emergancy services

Why 5th of November is such a busy time for the emergency services?
The build up to the 5th of November is the busiest time of the year for the emergency services in England because the State thinks we should change our clocks twice yearly - going back in the last weekend in October making it darker earlier in the evenings so making it harder to see the children playing after escaping from school following a week without school due to half term.
Remember the 5th of November is the day that thousands of members of the general Public let of tons of gun powder based explosives (fireworks) to commentate the failure of Guy Forks to set off the tons of explosive (gun powder) he had packed into the tunnel under the Houses of Parliament during the state opening.
The third source of problems is people having a big bonfire too close to their sheds or houses and not realizing everything, including you, will burn if exposed to Oxygen (air) and a source of heat.

If you do get your clothes on fire lie down on the ground and smother the flames in a blanket or place running water at the base of the flames for 10 minutes.
The best way to enjoy the festivities is to go to an organized event often on the nearest Saturday.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Internet Success seminar London 28- 30 Sept are running an Internet Success seminar in London 28 - 30th Sept 9am-8pm with top Internet pros from around the globe.
You really should attend to met great people & network to find mutual support
Speakers from USA will also be appearing at the Big Internet Seminar State side 5-7 Oct
Frank Garon - How to start with nothing
Derek Gehl - How to find the right market to keep customers coming back for more
Greg Ceaser - Adwords
Armond Morin - traffic generation options
Mike Filsaime - marketing to get 7 figure income
Yanik Silver - Copy Writing to make sales
Len Thurmond & Bruce Safran - My Affiliate Store
From the UK
Nick-James - product development without doing all yourself
Mark Hogan - psychology of success. Not attending as has his own workshop this weekend
Peter Woodhead - making money from Public Domain works
Neil Stafford & Neil Travers - membership sites
Alan Forrest-Smith - Scottish ex-hairdresser - power of public speaking - unable to come
From Thailand David Cavanagh - coach for newbe's
From Switzerland Ted Nicholas - words that sell -not attending as on a film shoot

DVD's available £17 to £37 each Contact me

Mental Game of Life by Tropher Morrison in London 18 Sept

Saturday 18th Sept got the 6 am train to join the 300 people (out of the 1000 that had signed up to attend the seminar which was for the last time free to attend if you filled in an online survey) to experience the antics & wisdom of a best selling psychologist who had flown in from the States especially to help people learn how to win the Mental Game of Life.

There are two types of fundamental motivation to make us take the chooses we take in our journeys in life.
We move away from things that give us pain eg been broke, yet we do not get rich because as soon as we move out of the broke zone into the comfort zone the subconscious mind is no longer motivated so sabotages our plans so we return to the broke zone where it is motivated and repeats the cycle over & over again. So your income fluctuates around a set level each month.

The other motivation is when we move toward things that give us pleasure eg been rich.
In this case the subconscious mind is motivated to obtain & maintain the level of wealth until you decide that being truly rich is at a higher level (usually after 2 - 6 months) so your wealth increases in steps over time.
If you want to know how to change your pattern of thinking & thus the life you choose then contact me

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Extra date for Global tour to be in London

An extra date to extend the Successful Global tour has just been announced for London 19 Sept.

Following the success in London 8th Sept and in South Africa 12 -16 Sept there will be an extra date before visiting Singapore, Australia & USA - in Central London Meeting-Wednesday 19th Sept £5 entry The Washington Hotel, Curzon st W1 7.30pm start.

So if you want to find out how you can get the life you want for yourself & others come along on the 19 Sept at 7.30

Saturday, 15 September 2007

How to get the Travel Industry to pay for your Adventures.

Travel Industry Secrets - Once Mastered, Will Have You "On Your Way To Adventure" - Anywhere in the World - For Free In Less Than 30 Days - Guaranteed! By Sam Smart
This German vacation involved riding the cog wheel train and cable car to the summit of the Zugspitz, Germany's highest mountain visiting Neuschwanstein, the fairytale castle built by Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria and Today, I am staying with new friends in das Schiefes Haus (the Crooked House), a beautiful half-timbered hotel in Ulm dating back to medieval times. We're feasting on venison and Pfifferlinge mushrooms served with noodles floating in a creamy sauce -sampling many varieties of local wine.
How did I manage to afford and arrange such a perfect get away? Well, I have secrets. Let me tell you after introducing myself. My name is Sam Smart, and I'm not exaggerating when I say my passport pages are as well-turned as my mother's favorite cookbook.
I really do travel the world on a modest budget sometimes for free and sometimes I get paid.
Last January—I meandered hand in hand with an amazing Irish lass, exploring the hill towns of Le Marche and the curious trulli dwellings down the east coast of Italy. In February, I was in Canada, whooshing down the slopes of Whistler on my snowboard with a little apres' and clubbing near the pristine mountains. I spent Easter on Martinique, a gorgeous French-speaking Carribean island with white sandy beaches. Yes...There IS More to Life than work... although work makes much of this possible, I have also found ways to travel like this for FREE!
How Did I Do It? The bills aren't going away and the world doesn't seem to be getting any safera way out is at hand in this guide book it shows how to make the vacation of your dreams a reality. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to vacation in exotic locations. From college students, baristas, and secretaries to attorneys, musicians, and artists - people from all walks of life and all levels of education and experience have easily and simply stepped out of their day-to-day lives and into their dream vacations. Dale purchased my ebook and a few months later I got this email...
"Sam, I just had to tell you about my year...I visited 8 different countries....spent 4 months in Tuscany... 2 weeks relaxing in a great little house in Hawaii, 8 days scuba diving in Aruba, a weekend rock climbing in the most famous American National Park and had a wonderful time cruising around the South Pacific.... all by using the secrets in your book...Sincerely,Dale ReidellPS I also want you to know that I met my fiance' on one of my trips... and we are planning our wedding and using your book for honeymoon ideas...PPS. We have decided to modify our career goals to include travel. Thanks for changing our lives."
World Tourism generates $1.2 billion in spending per day, (according to the World Tourism Organization) & competition for tourist dollars is fierce (particularly now, post-9/11, when people are more hesitant to travel) so hotels; tour organizers; cruise lines; airlines & even local governments are willing to give huge discounts to increase their exposure to the right crowd.You goal is to find the agencies that pass that discount down to you. The easiest way to do that is with The World Travel Challenge Guide.
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You'll see it is not like every other travel book. Take Robin Howell—a freelance photographer who travels regularly. She was looking for a way to get more mileage (and more money) out of her journeys. So she put one of the lessons she learned in the book to the test. Just two weeks after she read the book, she was able to take a cruise to Alaska - absolutely free - and she took amazing photos to add to her portfolio.
Here's just a small sample of all the exciting things you are about to discover:
A review of what to expect with the hottest, most exciting tour companies around! If you are serious about having an awesome time, these are the tour companies you absolutely MUST consider (Thanks to these awesome companies, you can choose to go on amazing tours all around the world. . . starting at under $400).
An informative guide on Backpacking in Europe, and want to stay in the best, cleanest and nicest hostels (You Must read this before booking a hostel !) If you want to see Europe but are on a tight budget -travel for Free is easier than you think - this is definitely the guide for you!
How to combine travel with studing a new language, or to go on an archeological dig, (there is no better way to do it than this)
A list of all the things you should think of packing when going to see the world safely and simply enjoy life with fun and sexy people just like you!
When you order The World Travel Challenge Guide today you will also get the following amazing free bonus reports:
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Home Order Affiliate Disclaimer

Monday, 10 September 2007

Animals show the power of teamwork

Watch this great video
The African animals show the power of teamwork. One alone can not stand against a team although the team had to take action together to avoid loosing what they were working on to another grab & run artist lurking in the shadows -just like human society. When the first one got support from his team he was able to overcome the seemingly impossible obstacle of the attacking team.
The only thing that is impossible is what you believe is beyond your ability to ask for help with.
If you want to have a successful formula for a Lucky Life visit

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Ways to create more wealth in your life - part 1

There are several ways to create more wealth in your life. You can stop spending more than your income and set priorities for things that will help you move toward the specific goals in your life. After all the available balance on your credit or store cards is not like money in the bank because when it is used you still have to pay it back and each month you have to pay interest to decrease your disposable income. Debt is such a big problem for so many people especially at the start of the economic down tern, when firms start downsizing the work force. Most people do not know how to use credit wisely to invest in their future by using interest free deals from a succession of cards while earning interest on the cash for the asset, that they keep in the bank. This is not surprising as "how to master money" is not taught in schools because Governments are unclear on which measure of money to base their policies on & even think high interest rates can control inflation despite being one of the causes of inflation. If you want success in life you have to learn from the successful who are willing to teach you at events like London 8th Sept or international stock market expert

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Evo day video taster

Click on the link to see a video taster of the highlights of the Evo day 15 July 2007 - the day the name of the new global icon was revealed to those of us who were lucky enough to get to Cheltenham Race Course.


for more details visit

Monday, 6 August 2007

Reduce your bills

Interested in saving money on your utility bills, (phone, mobile, internet / gas & electric)
UK residential properties only
E mail your contact details (name; address & phone no) to get more details of this established UK based plc that guarantees to be cheaper than BT, BG or the regional electrical company . UK small – medium businesses also get great deals including all services on one bill.

Some other ways to reduce your bills
Turn off TV & Home Entertainment Centres at the mains instead of leaving on standby (some models use even more power in standby than when in use.)
Unplug mobile phone chargers and plug in flagrancy devices when left unattended as get very hot and can cause your home to catch fire.
Use eco kettles which just boil the water you need for 1, 2 or as many cups as you want.
Keep the fridge and freezers full and try not to open it more than 3 times a day, also defrost it regularly so it runs more efficiently.
Insulate your cavity walls and loft / attic to reduce heat loss (costs about £300 if you do not qualify for grants).
Install double glassing to reduce heat loss.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Money Masters

I am to the Money Masters event in London next weekend as I do not want to be like the majority of people who just work to get money instead of making money work for them to provide the good things in life they want.


Congratulations Mum & Dad on reaching your Goldern Wedding Annerversary.
May you have many more happy times together.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Want money?

We all need money to get the things we want that we can not obtain though our own actions.
Most people trade their time to help the boss achieve his goal. In return the boss gives you some money to keep you in the job .
Some people make their money work for them to be able to take calculated risks, after stacking the odds in their favour, with property, shares, forgien currency exchanges and other forms of betting.
Wealthy people have multiple sources of income and get others to sell the products they own for mutual benefit.
My Money Masters Coach recommend investing $57 to purchase 100 products that you can sell over & over and even get other people to sell them as well (with commission going to you).
If that was not good enough to make you take action to create the future you want
My Money Master Coach is offering a step by step training session for those newbies who forward their receipt by 4 August to so they can learn to trade profitably to make progress to Financial Freedom and a smarter life.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Smarter Goals

Setting goals help you achieve more and more efficiently.
Good goals are S.M.A.R.T.E.R
Specific - e.g. if you want more money you will have to say how much you want otherwise your brain says it has achieved the goal as soon as you have 1p more.
Meaningful to you - what is the benefit to you of achieving your goal.
Act as if have it now -if not now then it will be never so believe you are successful, Act as successful people do, have the benefits of success
Responsible - only you are 100% responsible for how you choose to change your responses to Life's events to get the new results you want.
Time sensitive - if you do not specify a time by which the goal will be achieved your brain will put off taking the actions required to produce the desired results to some time in the future which never comes.
Evaluated - is what you are doing moving you away from your goal or towards it.
Reviewed regularly - to ensure it is still what you want

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Smarter Life

Do you already have all the happiness & wealth you want for your life?
Have you writen down your Dream Goals?

As you are reading this I guess you are one of the 97% who have not
and drift through life and end up dead or just dead broke within a year of retiring even if they manage to have a job for 40 years (not likely as firms start downsizing as soon as their boom phaze has passed and the State downsize at the bottom of the downturn cycle (thus turning it into a recession))
After 20 years the follow up studies of the 3% of college students who had written goals
showed they earned more than the other 97% combined and were heathier and happier.

You can choose to continue to accept what others leave for you or
choose to take small steps now get the future of your dreams.
You can always ask for help from those who are successful.